Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Garden update...

We're finally having some sunny days here and the garden is going wild. The weeds have almost taken over but I've been working at that. We have at least 6 inches around each plant weed free - the other will have to be chipped away as we can. Oh, I wish I had mulched the whole blooming thing!

The exciting news is that we have a peach. It will be the most pampered peach ever. Look,,isn't it so cute? And when it grows to be a big grown up peach we'll share it. Maybe next year we'll get enough for a cobbler or a pie.

Our tater tires are doing great. We're almost ready for the third tire. Lots of people have tires in their yards but ours are working it! By the way, we have potatoes in the ground in front there too!
Back to fruit, we have blueberries too. I'm excited about having them produce some this year. We have seven plants and they all have some berries.

Well that's just a little garden update. Oh, Corrie and Violet say hello from their sunbathing spot. Blessings from the holler.


Carmen S. said...

Lovely sunbathing spot, LOL!!!

Paula said...

Isn't it nice to finally have some sunshine? I told Hubby along about July we'd be wishing for the rain to returen, but for now, it's great to see the sun again!

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

That's exciting! I used newspaper last year around my plants and that cut down the weeds. I didn't have quite the thickness so that's why I had some weed.
oh those dogs sure know how to enjoy themselves!

Lena said...

That peach is so gosh darn cute, I can't stand it!
:-) I'm happy that your garden is doing great and especially the potatoes in the tires. What a nifty idea!
I don't mulch either....but I should. We may do so this year around the melons and zucchinis. Maybe some straw around the tomatoes. I'm due for a garden update as well. Everything is SO green!
Corrie and Violet look like they have found the perfect thing to do in sunny weather - enjoy it!