The Coriopsis will bloom all summer and are nice for picking (since our granddaughter is obsessed with picking flowers.)

I wanted to take our camera to the strawberry patch but the battery went dead. As always, the Lord knows best because it was a good stretch of the leg from the car to the patch. We had our two baskets each picked in no time. I plan to make some jam, pies, and hopefully have enough to freeze for a cake later on in the year. Oh, and we got to keep the baskets - yippee!

As JP says, "I'm easy." I'm pretty easy to please, make laugh and cry. What concerns me is that lately it's easy to forget! Last night, I wanted to tell JP something so I went in the den and on the way there I forgot what it was. I turned around and went back in the office where the aforementioned thought popped into my head to begin with but that trip was to no avail. So I went back through the den and said something like "forget it,,maybe it wasn't important." I think I remembered it later but I forgot what it was now. Confused yet? Good, I like to keep you in my world. I'm ready for the wise cracks - go ahead it won't hurt my feelings, I can take it :O)
Oh, Corrie, Violet and Spaceghost said "hey, from the holler!"

Have a great weekend and God's blessings to you and yours.