I read this article about three meteor showers that can be seen all over the world. So here's the info.
July 28-29 - The Delta Aquarids
Predawn, about 20 bright-yellow meteors occur per hour. Look for meteors to fan out east, north and west. **Not bloody likely I'll be up to see that one; Farmchick and Cowgirl may be up then but 5:30 is when the coffee starts here.
July 29-30 - The Capricornids
Known for producing brilliant fireballs. It's best to observe right after sunset (now we're talking.) If you can see the Milky Way, you'll probably be able to see this shower.
August 12-13 - Look toward the constellation Perseus (about halfway above the horizon in the northeast quadrant of the sky) in the late evening. Recline with your feet facing south and look straight up. The Perseids should appear over your left shoulder - you could see 60 meteors in an hour. I'll need a new lounge chair for that one JP :O)
Find a list of celestial happenings at http://stardate.org/nightsky/almanac/
You know what is really neat is to use night vision binoculars to look at stars. Wow, you can see so much more! Blessings from the holler yall!