Today a friend of ours is going through a great trial; his wife is in the waiting room also going through a great trial: Waiting. This is not their first test of faith; no, not by any means. But, that is not the point here. We all go through trials, it is a fact of living on this earth. Their secret is their faith in God.
God is real! He has given us many promises in His Word. He loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus to die for our sins, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but will have eternal life. (John chapter 3 verse 16). Jesus did not stay dead, though. He is alive, and proved it for 40 days for His apostles, then He went to heaven. Read Acts chapter 1.
That is how we can get through these trials on this earth! Because God has never lied, He has always been faithful to His people, He loves us, He is FOR us. God is for our friend and his wife. He is for you and me. He loves you. It says so in His word.
So, we will be praying for them and God will answer. Whatever is best will be His answer. If you have a prayer request feel free to e-mail me or post it in the comment section. I will not publish it if you do not wish me to do so. Also, if you don't know Jesus as your Savior and want to ask questions, that's great. If I don't know the answer, JP will because he is really smart :) God loves you and we do too,,,blessings from the holler...
Hi there, Lifting up your friends right now; I am glad you posted this. It is so hard when His perfect will isn't always ours or the timing is different. Praying for the grace to walk through this trial.
Hugs, Noreen
This was beautiful, dear friend.
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