This has been a rainy week in the holler. For the dogs, that means lots of time indoors, which eventually leads to cabin fever. So they start looking for things to do and eventually get into trouble. This morning was the last straw. While JP got ready for work, Charlie and Violet decided to have a tug of war with her bed. Now I have to re stuff and patch it. That's when I decided we were going to have a morning of walking on the treadmill. They all love the treadmill except Corrie. She had so much trauma before she got to our little oasis anything out of the normal routine sends her into a little panic attack and we don't want that. Anyway, she wasn't one of the ones in trouble this morning so she got away with just watching everyone else play on it.

We saw Ceasar Milan do this on a couple episodes of his TV show "The Dog Whisperer" and decided to see if it works. IT REALLY WORKS, and not only that, they love it. It's play for them and so good for them because it exercises mind and body. We make it play from the beginning, leading them up and letting them jump off, then lead them up and add movement (I stand at their side until they're in the groove.) Before long we had ourselves three treadmill junkies - Charlie, Scrappy and Speedbump. When we're in the office at the computer Charlie and Scrappy come in and stand there on the treadmill, waiting for it to GO!!

Today Charlie got three turns, Scrappy and Speedbump each got two. Charlie and Scrappy both like incline work too. I alternate the speed slightly so they have to think and adjust their pace (anything to work those little brains.) Speedbump just likes to walk and smile up at me, which sometimes throws her off, but she just trots a little and gets back in her groove. Violet is learning and she likes it too, but I stay right beside her because we don't want any accidents that cause bad feelings towards the beloved treadmill.

Here they are after playtime on the treadmill. Now, those dogs don't look like they'll be looking for trouble anytime soon. That's what I like to see, tired dogs.

Weekend blessings from the holler.
Tired dogs are good dogs. :)
It looks like they all enjoyed the work out, LOL! My shepherd would never get near one of those, they make "noise", LOL!!!!!
I love your idea of tiring them out on the treadmill:) I love a good rambunctious pooch; but sometimes a tired dog is a LOT easier to be with.
I'm with YD. Tired dogs are good dogs. I may have to get myself a treadmill for Kane....he's learned to countersurf lately....
Hello! My name is Juliana Weiss-Roessler, and I work for CesarsWay.com. We came across this blog, and we'd love to feature it as a success story on our site. If you're willing to let us share it, please contact me at media@cesarmillaninc.com
Woooweee! Still gotta try that...mom keeps getting caught up in other 'chores'...but, we have one..just need to hook it up.
You all are pros at this!!
Oh hey! Cool about being contacted by Cesars Way!! Keep us posted.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
That's too cute! And a great idea, too!
Hope you all are staying warm... we got 8 inches of snow last night!
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