Monday, June 1, 2009

Hey from the holler...

The garden is juning right along,,,,git it! Tater tires are crazy big, our tomatoes, corn, peppers are all healthy. I finally got a container garden going on the front porch so we can get to the herbs without making the trek to the garden.
Charlie would say hello but his mouth is full.

Speedbump says hey yall!
These petals are marked for rose petal jam.
Have a great week from all of us here in the holler.
Oh, I have a reliable source that says that June is National Iced Tea Month. Happy Iced Tea month!


Carmen S. said...

Your garden looks great and those roses sure do look good enough to eat!!!!

Lena said...

Your garden looks beautiful! I love the way those potato tires look! :-) So have you taught Charlie how to weed your garden yet?
Rose petal we have a recipe coming up?
Hello also to Mr. JP. I miss his posts...

Mrs. JP said...

Carmen - thanks, this is our first garden so we're proud in a tired I didn't know it'd be this much work sorta way :O)
The Rose petal jam came from the same source that told us about National Iced Tea month - I saw it there and have to try it.
Lena I'm reading a book on clicker training maybe that'll give me some ideas for Charlie's chore list but knowing him I don't see any real work forthcoming.

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Happy Iced Tea Month to you too!
Your garden looks great. Those potato tires are really interesting!
Rose petal jam, well I've never had that but I have had rose petal syrup before, it was so good!
Please give the dogs a big hug for me and Sam & June said hi to yall.

Paula said...

*giggle* Happy Iced Tea Month to you too, Mrs. JP!
I'm already on my third glass today and it's only 12:00! (I think I have a problem....LOL)