Thursday, May 3, 2012

Peonies and Pie...

Well, the work on the house to repair hail damage started again today. The workers needed to run an electrical hose that had to be close to our peonies in the flower bed. I had been meaning to get out there and cut some of the old blooms off anyway so I took this opportunity to cut a basket load.

When I came in I got out my vases and went to work surrounding myself in the pink lovelies. Don't they paint some walls in prisons pink to calm the inmates? Anyway, that was an arbitrary thought I had. I'll have so much pink in the house that it will serve as a calming thing. Being surrounded by God's handiwork always serves to cheer and calm me. I'm not going to keep all this to myself--our neighbor is pregnant and I hope to get one of these arrangements to her this afternoon.

My Mom and Dad came over a few days ago and brought me some strawberries! They were so pretty I had to make a pie. When I got ready to make it, though, there was no pie crust in the freezer. I like to keep those "store bought" crusts on hand. I was determined to have pie for desert last night so I got on and found a simple recipe that I made in my food processor. I was so encouraged that it turned out good. I forgot to take a picture before we cut it :)

Oh, it's raining now so all is peaceful. Praise The Lord from Whom all blessings flow. Blessings to you all from the holler...


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Beautiful peonies - gorgeous color!!! And oh those berries - we can never get really tasty berries here. Our soil is mostly all clay so they don't do well. Your pie looks so good - bet you all enjoyed it so much.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Maxmom said...

Flowers and food...what a lovely, uplifting combination. Hope your damage gets repaired soon.
Sending lotsaluv to you all,
ps You've got me drooling!

My Primitive Creations by Tonya said...

Hi... love the Pink everywhere.. Sorry theyhad to destroy the flower beds to take cae of business but it sure looks tome that it made for a bright spot in the house..

Been really busy will try to touch base this weekend if time allows.. if not jus tknow I have been thinking of you..


YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Those peonies are gorgeous! Your house sure looks pretty in pink. :)


Paula said...

There is not much in this world better than strawberry pie...
Love those gorgeous pink blooms!