I had decided not to post about this but changed my mind today. I'd like to explain a few things to you, our blogging friends. In the last year or so I started having troubles with my thyroid. I saw a specialist and have been diagnosed with Graves disease (it's not as grave as it sounds), a form of hyperthyroidism. I am fortunate not to have the eye problems that sometimes go with the disease. My symptoms were trembling hands, heart racing, a general crawling of the skin and other unpleasantness. Blood and nuclear tests confirmed the diagnosis.
The treatment options were surgery to remove the thyroid or a radiation treatment to destroy the function of the thyroid. The later being the least invasive is what I chose. I went to the hospital where my doctor gave me this unassuming capsule and I came home. This procedure requires the patient to be essential in isolation. Thank goodness my JP is so awesome in the kitchen and just a great all around husband. He took the my week necessary isolation off work to take care of me and cook for me. I was on a strict NO iodine diet for about a week. No iodine essential means cooking every single morsel from scratch using kosher salt and he did so well.
During the proceeding days I felt like I had the flu kind of. I've got all that behind me now and am left with fatigue and feeling generally yukky! BUT, there is hope!! The first week of April I'll be started on thyroid hormones and I'll be all better. I'm just finding my new normal :)
It's so awesome of God to have us studying II Corinthians in our Bible Study. I am living out how God's strength is showcased in my weakness. While this time has been an almighty trial, I wouldn't trade the blessings I've received for anything. So, I write this as a tribute to God's faithfulness to me His child and to JP's true devotion and care for me. Who wouldn't feel blessed beyond what they deserve? I've been treated like a princess.
So, that's why I haven't as faithful posting things and visiting your blogs. Thank you for being patient with me this post. My thoughts are jumbled and I wanted to focus on the good which has come to me. As always,,,blessings from the holler...
We are so sorry you have to deal with this, but we must say you are looking good. We hope the month of March flies by for you so you can totally back on track. You are so fortunate to have such a helpful and loving husband there to help you out. Mom says she will keep you in her prayers and we will all cross our paws for you to do well.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
First off let me just say....you are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! I'm sending many prayers your way that all works out and you get to feeling much better, very soon!!! Tonya from myprimitivecreationsbytonya.blogspot.com has had the same issues and they just recently decided to remove her thyroid as hers is so bad and she has the Graves disease too, so if you need someone to ask questions or talk to about it stop over & tell her I sent you;) take care ((hugs))
Hi Mrs. JP, I'm am sooo happy that you have such a supportive husband. You are so blessed.
I am sorry you are feeling not well, but you'll back to normal in no time. I know several people with graves disease and if they didn't tell me, I would never have known.
Many many blessings and well wishes are being sent to you right now.
PS, that is a beautiful picture of you!
Oh Mrs JP,
I am so sorry to hear this news. What a huge pill to swallow! You sound so positive, but I am sure that its been really difficult.
I love that concept of 'new normal' (A family member of mine has had to adopt this), but its a hard thing sometimes to accept, yet it gives one a visual of the platform off which one can build.
Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you...I'll try and write later.
Sending lotsaluv to you and your awesome husband.
ps Yes, that is a BEAUTIFUL picture of you! (Hugs to your pups too - I am sure that they'll also be giving you strength)
What a lovely photo---your peace in the Lord shines through. I am sorry for the trials you have and are going through. I totally understand as I had a bad diagnosis and major surgery two years ago this coming July. I, too, have a new normal for my life. I know you can say with me, that through it all, "God is still good!" What a supportive husband, too. You are in my prayers.
Extremely salty beef barley soup, anyone?
I agree with the others.. you are beautiful Mrs JP! I see the sparkle in your eyes. :)
JP...you are a gem.
Thoughts and prayers sent to the both of you.
What a lovely photo. I'm sorry you have been going through treatment and are not feeling well at the moment, but I hope that taking the pill and the hormones from April will allow you to live a long life well without the symptoms you had before being diagnosed.
I'm glad that you have found strenght in your Bible study, and it must be such a comfort having JP there to love, care and cook for you while you go through this.
Love from us in NZ
PS Getting used to unsalted food suddenly is stange. Has JP gone without salt while you are on you special diet or does he feel the need to add salt to his own plate?
I was reading all the other sweet comments and I have to agree... you're so pretty! I love your beautiful smile and eyes!
But then I got to Mr. JP's comment... *sigh*... he's a nut.
You really had me scared there for a minute~ but I'm thankful everything is going to be okay. My sister-in-law had the very same procedure just a few years ago and now she is doing great. I'm praying the same for you, sweet friend.
Hi..Thanks for stopping by my Blog and sharing your Thyroid issues there and here.
Gril I so know how you feel..I've had may of the same symptoms you have had only 3 times as bad. I have the trembling, muscle spasms, muscle cramps & body jerks. I also have Graves disease only I have the eye problems. It has really messed with my vision.
I am allergic to intavinous (sp) Iodine so even had I opted for that direction I couldn't have gone there. I decided on removing my Thyroid..surgery the 28th and none to soon as I have been so sick. I never dreamed such a tiny little thing like the Thyroid could totally mess up your health and life but boy it sure can.
I sure hope that you too get to felling better soon. I know how you feel and it is really hard to cope with.. Prayers for your wuick recovery and back to normal feeling.
Hi Mrs JP - I'm sorry to hear this news of your illness. Hope you are starting to feel better soon. You sure are lucky to have such a wonderful husband to take care of you when you are sick. I'm sure you figured out long ago that he's a keeper! :-)
Much prayer for a speedy recovery from me, Kane and Ella.
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