These are the roses that JP brought to me for our anniversary. They actually smell like roses! I just love the burgundy flowers, they really serve to set off the pink roses.
We've been having visitors each afternoon. Anywhere from 4-9 deer come to the edge of our back yard and graze. I just love it. The dogs don't feel the same though. I endure the barking and pleading eyes as long as I can so the deer can graze but eventually I cave and let the dogs run. Then the dogs come back in and the deer come back out,,,,and repeat above. Sorry for the picture quality, my hands were shaking.

Charlie says hello.

This is Corrie's latest thing. She sits at the front window with her chin rested on the window sill looking out, so pensive. I think it's adorable.

Today, and for the past few days, I've had the windows open. I love being able to air out the house but this is weird Mid-January weather. I think we better brace ourselves for February. Other than these few things there's not much going on. So, blessings to you all from all of us in the holler...