Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday with less words...

Monday night JP and I were in the office and he said something like "look at her." Luckily I was able to grab the camera and snap a few shots as Violet emerged from her cocoon. Who knows how she got in there..

The look on that face gets her out of all kinds of trouble. Blessings from the holler...


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It is tough to get in trouble with a sweet face and those gorgeous eyes:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Paula said...

Ahhh! Look at that face... like she's saying, "What? Whatever it was, I didn't do it!"

JP said...

When I first spotted her, she was hiding under that cocoon and nipping at Charlie's legs from here hidden lair.

Maxmom said...

Oh that's cute...emerging from her chrysalis. We all have to try and renew ourselves every now and again :)

Sending lotsaluv

Cindy said...

She probably thought she was invisible to the rest of the pack. Who could resist that face!
So glad you got the shots:)

Deborah said...

AWWW, she is so cute. She must have liked her new clothes!

Sierra Rose said...

Ah! Always looking for little hiding caves! Cute!
We're so behind on blogs...great to visit!

Sweet hugs!!
Sierra Rose