Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Quiet little signs of spring...

If I hadn't walked up the hill I would have missed these little crocuses. They are so short I wouldn't have seen them except I saw their bright yellow heads!

The first to bloom in the front flower bed are the buttercups.

Blessings from the holler...


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom is smiling at these lovely signs of spring. Thanks for sharing.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Cindy said...

Oh, I just love crocuses---and the yellow is so nice. Thanks for sharing as it may be a while yet before we see them.

Maxmom said...

Oh Mrs JP...

You have brought such a smile to my face.:) The joy of Spring! Somehow it always rejuvenates us with its promise of new life. How simply wonderful!

Sending lotsaluv

Anonymous said...

You are blessed in that climate with those little yellow drops of sunny hope!! Thanks for sharing. Have a blessed day ~Deb

cowgirl said...

They are beautifuk Mrs JP! Thanks for sharing your pics. They ease my spring fever a bit. :)

Lena said...

How pretty! I love crocuses too! :-)
Happy Spring!

Paula said...

Oh, yes- the crocuses that Hubby's grandmother planted years ago are coming up as well! Such a welcome sight to see color... and a wonderful reminder of her.

Deborah said...

I love crocuses! We are a far cry from seeing those!

Sierra Rose said...

Beautiful captures! Sweet signs of spring. We have seen them here too...then frosty rains, but the buds are determined to bloom! We notice more flowers on each walk.
Have a great weekend :)

Sweet hugs,
Sierra Rose

Shug said...

Yellow would have to be one of my favorite colors...HI, I'm shug and I just dropped by for a visit.
The crocuses and daffodils are beautiful...Look forward to stopping back by for another visit..