Daisy is the oldest member of our current pack. She's also the only one for whom we have registration papers, because we purchased her, rather than rescuing her. She is a full blooded German Shepherd, bred for police and security work. She has completed basic obedience, advanced obedience and security training. She is very smart, very brave and very observant. She quickly notices any change in her environment and alerts the pack leaders (me and the Mrs.) of said change. She is very friendly and loves to be around people and meet new people, but on command she can be alerted to a "bad guy" and will defend the pack very aggressively, probably even with her life. Even though she is the first line of defense, she has been very accepting of the other members of the pack as they have been added.
When we first moved to our little place in the holler, we had no intention of owning more than the two dogs that we moved here with, Daisy and Buddy.
Buddy was a black male German Shepherd that we rescued in Florida. Unfortunately, Buddy died a few short months after we moved into the holler, from a cancerous tumor in his stomach. We were very sad when he had to be euthanized. The tumor was causing him to starve to death, because he could not process food. He did have a GREAT time while he lived with us in the holler, and quickly earned the nickname "cow chaser", flagrantly ignoring the "stay" and "down" commands that were being shouted after him as he ran under the barbed wire fence in pursuit of fun. He and Daisy also discovered skunks together. Ugghhh, but I'll let Mrs. JP expound on that adventure at a later date. Then, suddenly, we were left with just Miss Daisy, but not for very long...