Today as I sat reading your blogs I thought that surely something has happened recently other than my thyroid issues and a stray dog! I mean, really, that can't be the only thing going on in the holler. So, I looked and found some pictures in our camera of a couple things I'd not put in the blogosphere.
We had a severe hail storm back in early March. We are currently dealing with contractors to replace one end of our house vinyl siding, the whole roof of our house and a storage building, etc. But that's not the story, that's life! I'm not saying it won't turn into a story,,,hahaha.
That said, I was out in the "dog's yard" after the storm getting ready to do our first and much needed mow of the year but I had to get all the limbs and sticks out of the yard first. I would walk along and throw sticks next to the fence, Charlie would then go and get as many as he could and bring them back to me. I laughed so hard. *side note* notice, in this picture, Scrappy is leaving us.

Then, of course, you know what happened...........STICK GAME!!!!!

So, I knew I wouldn't get anything done with this crew "helping" me and let them play. I decided to walk on up the fence line and see what was so interesting to Scrappy that she didn't want to play stick. What? It's a tunnel with several entrances. Can you see it? Sorry the picture doesn't do it justice.

She had her own little subway culminating in this huge mess right by the fence. All I could do at that point was plug up the deepest points with rocks, which we have in abundance on our property, to keep her from digging a hole under the fence. That done, I couldn't say that I'd cleaned up many sticks but I certainly had my cardio workout for the day carrying rocks up and down our hill!

On a much more peaceful note, another morning back in March I pulled up the shade in our den and saw this most beautiful sunrise. Again, the picture doesn't grasp the depth of color I saw. It took my breath away and all I could do was thank God for this beautiful way to start my day.

Blessings to you all from the holler...