It's been good to have some of JP's family here. My mom-in-law came from Puerto Rico and my brother-in-law from San Antonio; we had his 50th birthday party and now he has caught the cold I had. I am so sorry about that!
We've had a temporary addition to the pack (brother-in-law's doggie.) His name is Cacique (Ca-see-ka) and he's a Brussels Griffon. We are getting along like peas and carrots. I wonder if I can sneak him out of his car before he leaves..hmmmm. He and Charlie are quite a pair. They are opposite in size but alike in their cute personalities.

It's fall here in the holler and the trees are turning vibrant shades. I love to see God's wonderful creation as it changes in all the season.

Alright then, I'm off to visit your blogs and catch up on all I've missed while I was on my sabbatical. Blessings to you all from the holler...
Being sick is always a valid excuse
Stop on by for a visit
A cold is an interesting 50th birthday present to give your brother-in-law! I love the colours of your trees.
OK, your forgiven, LOL!!! Your visitor is very adorable but I am personally *in LOVE* with your Charlie:D Have a wonderful weekend!
Good to see you again. Look at how beautiful your fall colors are. We just started to get some good color this week, but the leaves turned brown very quickly - very odd fall this year, but at least it hasn't been too bad.
Cacique is so handsome. Hope he gets to visit more often.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Hey, no need to apologize.......LIFE HAPPENS!
What a horrible gift to give your brother-in-law for his birthday! ROFLOL! I hope he is feeling better!
Welcome back! It's good to see you posting again. Hope everyone feels better soon. :)
Well it is about time since I have looked for you to re-appear from some time now. I love hearing from you and the happenings in the holler so PLEASE keep in touch.
Betty from G.P.
So glad you were just busy and have not stopped blogging. I truly enjoy your happenings in the holler. What a cute pic of Charlie and that darling little guy. I've never heard of that breed. Welcome back!
Nothing more important than family. Me, too! My kids will be leaving for a year in New Zealand (will be blogging more about that) and so we are trying to spend as much time with them that we can!
Now Mr. Cacique is quite the cutie - he has a cheese named after him, you know. I love your Charlie - he's so handsome! I'm hoping my new doggie will work out well. Think we're gonna call her Gypsy cuz she was a stray...
Well, I can't fuss at you for being a bad blogger, that would be the pot calling the kettle black! hehe
I love your new addition, even if he is only temporary... sounds like you had a great time with the family!
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