Scrappy, was obsessed with the fence line. She didn't even want to come in for breakfast! When I yell out the back door, "Are you hungry?" That usually starts a stampede of doggies inside. So, I knew this was an intense obsession and went out to break it up. Finally she came trotting down the hill looking like the cat that ate the canary. She was the Scrappy that ate the mouse! I saw it's tail hanging out of her mouth, then crunch, crunch, gulp....it's gone. YUK! EEEWWWWWWW!!! No puppy kisses from her!

On a lighter note, Daisy has claimed her own stick for the ongoing stick game. Now she likes to throw it down in front of Charlie to see if she can entice him into playing with her stick. I'm so glad I could end this post on a lighter note.
Have a good weekend and blessings from the holler...
I am glad to see the ever wonderful stick game continues:) and mouse for breakfast....your right, EEWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! Have a great weekend:)
We had our own gross adventure here a week or so ago - Ciara got her first (we think) taste of bunny:(
Mom is cracking up at your comment about the blinking dog. You now have her opening and closing the blog to try to see it too:)
Have a great weekend.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Ugh, I know other dogs in our family that love meeeces to pieces!!!! What can you do but laugh (and hope they don't bring them in to you as a present)!! A newcomer to the stick game---yippee!!!
Thanks for your birthday comment - the rice and broth mix sounds good and mum is going to make some up to add to our kibble, but we will pass on Scrappy's idea above (of a mouse for breakfast) as Mum wouln't know if she should grab the tail or scream if she saw a tail hanging out of my mouth!
Dogs will be dogs won't they? We think they're all sweet and our babies, but they're still dogs. My dad's bird dog ate a whole carton of "catfish Charlie" blood bait. He had the squirts for a week and he stunk so bad we didn't want to be around him at ALL! We'd holler at him to get away! It was terrible! I'm glad at least your mouse was fresh...Thanks for your visit!
There is nothing like a great gross adventure to post about! I love moments like those!! hehehehe
Your soooo funny! I am very glad you like your Mary Kay foot and leg moisturizer! I love that too!
Happy Birthday my friend! I hope you have a great day!
*hehe* Dogs have such a nice way of grossing us out, don't they? Smokey used to eat sheep poop. (Of course they do look like chocolate covered raisins, but that's beside the point...)
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