Just in case you were wondering, here's how our garden grows. It's a jungle out there! Notice the garden glove on the fence post in the picture above. It's like my garden is shaking it's fist at me. Anyway, the tomatoes are almost done; the Lima beans, cucumbers and zucchini have been pulled up; the peppers are in their peak (what am I going to do with all these jalepeños?) The tall plant you see on the left is a tropical pea called Gandules or Pigeon peas, it apparently needs a long growing season because it's just now started blooming and putting on peas. I hope we get to, at least, taste a fresh batch of peas in a pot of arroz con gandules (rice and peas Puerto Rican style.)

This morning I was able to get a few pictures of our standard routine. First, someone spots the turkeys trying to have a nice calm walk up the hill. As you can see this momma turkey wants no part of pictures and gets her little one on the move.

Next, Scrappy or Corrie spots the movement at the top of the hill and the begging and whining starts at the door. Scrappy is bouncing like Tigger at the door and Violet is whining in piercing barks at the rear of the pack. So, to save my hearing, I make my way through the pack to the door and release the hounds! Up the hill they go, as fast as they can (Scrappy is always in front!)

Charlie nearly always turns and runs back down the hill. He's not really into confrontation :O)

If I happen to be standing there, he grabs his Frisbee and trots around trying to lure me into a game of fetch.

Daisy is always available to give him her opinion and play.

JP, wouldn't you say this happens all day? It's not always turkeys that they are chasing, sometimes I think Scrappy just gets bored and leads them all on a
wild goose chase! Okay, I thought that was pretty funny. JP knows, I crack myself up sometimes. It's nice to be able to entertain yourself!!

Blessings to you from the gang in the holler...
Yes, all day long. In and out, in and out. If you don't open the door for them, Violet's excited, high pitched whining would probably reach glass shattering levels in no time.
I'm realizing that a lot of times it is something only Scrappy sees, like a tiny butterfly that has has the audacity to land on the back patio, or a tiny bird that is catching grasshoppers in the dog yard.
Seldom a dull moment in the holler, but I could become a hermit and never leave there. ;o)
We have a fox who keeps returning to the area just outside our fence - and this is a very well-populated area. He was here yesterday in the middle of the afternoon. TD and Ciara were on high alert at the windows and saw him just outside their perimeter. Mom watched too and got really worried when she saw him fly over the neighbor's fence with one big jump. She hopes he doesn't try to come in this yard. But yes, we have the frenzy here too.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I love your gang in the holler, and that last pic is too funny!!!
How did I miss this post?! I must have scrolled too quickly.
I love all the pictures! Those turkeys are something. And every doggie pic makes me smile. They are all so darn cute in their own way. Wish I could reach out and pet each one! Don't they just make you smile at all the funny things they do?
Oh, that glove on the post does look rather intimidating. But I think you have done a great job on that garden. I really appreciate your sharing the little things----that's what I enjoy so much!
A wild goose chase???! *snort! Wait, that's Kane's job!!!! :-)))
Hi Charlie - you are so handsome even though you don't like confrontation. I can hear Scrappy now: "Those fools, they fall for the same thing every day!" :-)
Maybe Scrappy is just "seeing" things. Samantha always barks when June barks and I tell her that she should stop it because she doesn't even know what she's barking at.
Your gang is just so cute!
Forgot to mention, I asked myself the same thing about my jalepeños and pepperoncini. I have been pickling them for later use and yesterday hubby picked a box(12-pack beer bottle box size) full of them. Guess I have some work to do. I think I'll roast them and then peel the skin and freeze them. I need them in salsa but my tomatoes are not ready yet.
Hey there Mrs JP
Yes...I also missed this lovely post and what fun to get a glimpse of your morning routine!...(and of course the Turkey's routine too :))
Love your sense of humour! Love the fact that Mr JP also comments on this blog! Love the place you live in! How wonderful to be able to experience simplicity of our world each day...your are truly blessed! Thank you for sharing! We need more tales of your menagerie in the holler!
Sending lotsaluv
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