Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bumpy's spa day...

I'm late this year, as with most everything, in giving Speedbump her summer hair cut. I'm not a groomer but she doesn't care; she enjoys the attention. The other day I got out the shears and got it done. Mostly, I just thin her mane so she can get closer to the air conditioner vents - her first love. The hair I clip off her (a shopping bag stuffed full) I take and spread around the garden to keep varmints away.
So here she is before.....mid-yawn.

And here she is after her hair cut and just before I clipped those ridiculous nails. That's as demure as you'll ever see Bump.

We're keeping it as cool as we can here in the holler. Blessings to you all.


YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Speedbump you pretty girl! Don't know what's in the air but I(June) just got the same treatment from mom last weekend!


Carmen S. said...

Love the new *do* on speedbump! Enjoy your day in the holler!

cowgirl said...

:) She's so pretty! You did a fine job with the hair do Mrs JP!

Lena said...

You look great in your summer cut, Ms. Speedbump.
Stay cool - we're trying to do the same!


Lena and Kane