The other day it was beautiful outside so I took the camera out with me to see what I could see. We have so many things starting to grow in our yard. Here in the holler we get blooms about one month after others in our own county. I don't know why that is but it's a fact. Anyway, here are some of the things starting to show here. The above picture is a weed but it's a pretty colored weed. Don't you think?
Blueberry bush.

Is this a butter cup or a daffodil?

Peach tree blooms and beautiful blue sky!

Then I came in and brushed Speedbump until my arms gave out. She does look nice.

Have a great weekend and blessings to all of you from the holler.
Is that wild blueberry bush---nice. Speedbump looks lovely and regal!
Hi Cindy, no, we've got a blueberry patch, they're just little bushes now but we've got high hopes. Speedbump says thanks.
Hey there!
I love your blooms...the really cheer me up! Sometime you must tell us how "Speedbump" got her name...it's fascinating...but perhaps I've missed it somewhere on your blog?
Hi, she looks beautiful!
Spring, yay! Not us here this weekend. It was 29 last night.
Great pictures.
Speedbump, you look gorgeous!
Dafodil! Mom went cycling with her camera yesterday to see what was blooming... Love to see what tends to bloom in local areas.
Hi ya Speedbump!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Hey there Speedbump - you look absolutely gorgeous with that combed out mane. Such pretty color.
What glorious signs of spring! :-) Our peachtrees are blooming as well and they're gorgeous!
I'm so glad you enjoyed the chocolate sticky cake recipe - welcome to the club! :-)
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