It all started last year when JP's mom came to visit us and Violet decided that she would sleep in her room. This led to Violet getting a dog bed which she loves to curl up in. None of the other dogs seemed to even notice this new deal until a few weeks ago. Corrie decided she wanted to sleep in Violet's bed and since they're sisters you know that didn't go well. Violet went to JP to tell on Corrie and plead her case. I thought, we'll buy another bed and problem solved, right? Well for night time sleeping it's still a race to see who gets to Violet's bed but we usually make Corrie get in her bed. Whew,,,are you keeping up? So, last week I watched as Charlie decided that he wanted to get in Corries bed! Remember how big our Charlie is? I watched as he did a walk by the bed sizing it up, then he walked up to it and tried to sit, that didn't work, next he walked around it and tried get all four huge paws in it and somehow shrink into it, that didn't work either!! He circled once more, stopped short of the bed and laid down with his head and paws in the bed.

He's been working on his technique each day and it's so funny.

Other happenings in the holler are, the turkey's are coming through the yard each day to visit

and I've made my first ever elderberry jelly which turned out really good.

Well, I'm off to the kitchen to process some more tomatoes. We have a least one more picking later on this week and that should do it. We have had a really good year in the garden. We are blessed and send...Blessings from the holler.