Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Weeds in Tennessee!

 God has blessed us with the most beautiful and amazing array of “weeds”. Last year I changed my mind about them. They are beautiful even helpful if you know which ones are the good ones for you and how to use them.  I have a free app on my phone that identifies them for me so that helps. I made a salve that helps with poison ivy itching ( thanks be to God)  I have begun to think that we lost so much knowledge about the earth and what it provides us naturally  I know that our forefathers and mothers had to make medicine from something!  So, I bought a reputable book and am dipping my toes into what I can find to help myself on our property.  Think of that!, I started with the salve which is a wonderful thing and goldenrods that I dried for tea for my sinuses  it does help! 

At any rate, today on my hike to the mailbox I found these teeny tiny lil buggers. I would say that the flowers are maybe 1/4 inch across but they’re everywhere! My app calls them Blue field madder😀❤️

This white flower is called Garden star-of- Bethlehem. If you look closely there are those tiny purple flowers just below. Anyway I hope you’re enjoying your weeds. Now, there is something out there making me itch all over, except the soles of my feet,haha. I’ll be happy whenever that particular lovely gets ta gettin’
As always blessing to you all from the holler,,,,Enjoy the weeds! :)

Thursday, March 7, 2024

It’s a new day!

 I’m so blessed. My husband’s grandmother gave us her beautiful china cabinet long ago. I keep little treasures there. For a long while it remained closed except for Christmas when I got out some nativity scenes that I display. Then one day I decided to decorate my kitchen window with a few things and enjoy the items instead of locking them away. I am so happy that I did. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we’re given gifts, not to be buried away but used until we pass them along to others. 

Well the lighting isnt very good but yall get the jest.  Tell me about your treasures! I would love to hear from you and as always…blessings from the holler…

Monday, January 1, 2024

God is always good. New year’s blessings from the holler

 I made this quilt for my mom 

Buster is still on guard here and so spoiled 

Look at this woman! She’s amazing and she’s my mom. We’re laughing because I don’t know how to take a selfie haha,

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

I haven’t been on here in a while

 I miss this space where I can come and share my love for creating things, cooking and of course, my family. God has blessed. One big thing that happened is that our son finally retired from the military!  We’re so thankful for his safety for 26 years 

The dogs are good! Buster, the pitie mix loves to go and see my mom.  They’re such a pair and she spoils him rotten.  The girls, Trudy and Olive are 3 yrs old now and also spoiled  :) They behave when they must but the backyard is their domain.  

I’ve been sewing some too.  The bear rag quilt was a monster when all was done  He was 4 feet tall!  Also, I repurposed a denim jacket that was my husband’s when we met 40 yrs ago! I added a quilt block and boom it’s a girly jacket  

Our precious granddaughter is in college! Our grandson is working as an RN in an ICU!  We’ve had lots of changes that goes along with time passing.  In all this I look back and see God’s faithfulness and blessings  I am finding that the longer I live the more I understand that He doesn’t want me to worry about things, it does no good.  Just do today and let tomorrow worry about itself.  Blessings, as always, from the holler….

Monday, May 10, 2021

The Girls are growing so fast...



They really do everything together 

Blessings from the holler...