Friday, April 19, 2013

As time goes by...

Well, I really don't have much to say this post.  I have some pictures of blooms of spring to share.  I took these April 10th so Spring has really sprung since they were taken.  But,,here goes...
  Our crab-apple tree is lovely this year and the birds are enjoying it too.

I had to take another picture of the forsythia bush before it turned green.  Oh, we have bluebird babies in the birdhouse there!

The peach trees are blooming.  JP did a good job pruning them this year; I kind of hacked them up last year so he had some repair work to do.  I had to get the shot of the blooms against the solid blue sky (get me being artsy,,haha.)

 I know I take a picture of this almost every year but I love that God left us with beautiful weeds!  In a couple of sections of our yard there are these beautiful purple wild pansy looking flower/weeds.  I love them.

So, the pack gathered to watch me as I tromped all around the yard taking pictures; Charlie was the most concerned since he feels he must go everywhere I go.  I tried to get all six in one picture...

But Speedbump wanted to say a special hello I guess.  I love that face.  She's my beauty.

I pray you all have a safe weekend and blessings from the holler...


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

All the flowers are beautiful. Mom lovs the peach blossoms the best.

Great group shot of the pack.

Have a peaceful weekend.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

The Life of Riley said...

Lovely to see your photos as it is a grey rainy autumn day here in Auckland, New Zealand. Your photos are a reminder to me of the cycle of life, and how in time, we will have spring again.

Wishing you all a good weekend.

TennZen said...

Your peach trees look great!

Ours didn't do so well. They bloomed out, but then we had another freeze and I think they got "bit." :(

Carmen S. said...

Beautiful signs of spring at your place! Love the pic of all the babies together, they always make me smile:)