Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Snow Play...

Today I'd like to show you some of the pictures taken during our "snow event." We enjoyed the snow but not as much as the dogs as you will see. It's like they all turned into puppies while the snow was just fallen and light. After the "wintry mix" fell that night it wasn't as much fun to run in. Charlie made the best by laying with a chunk of snow/ice between his paws and enjoying his very own snow cone.

These two pictures are of Charlie and Daisy catching snow flakes on their tongues.

Go Speedbump Go!!

Super Scrappy.

Charlie trying to out maneuver Violet.

Corrie was not as amused as the others. Pensive huh? It looks like she's thinking "I'd rather be inside in my warm house - isn't this what I came here to escape!"

Charlie is running like a Tennessee Walking horse. He's just uncovered his beloved stick.

Our oldest, Daisy, running like a pup.

JP and I walked down to mail off a movie and see the creek.

Home, sweet snowy home in the holler.

Blessings to you and yours.


YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Love those pictures of your pups! They are just so much fun to watch. Great picture of JP as well. :)
Thank you for sharing.

Lena said...

How beautiful! And hey, a picture of Mr. JP too!
I love how the puppies get all energized when it snows - they're kinda like human children that way. Especially Corrie, "Ms. I don't like this cold wet stuff all over my paws!"

Farmhouse Blessings said...

Well they sure look like they're having fun! And your creek is wonderful. I've always dreamed of having a little winding creek on our property. I just love it!

I am so glad that you're enjoying the chubby chicks template. I have completed 6 blocks and am having so much fun. I did run out of beak fabric and had to reorder so I'm just waiting so I can keep going. Sure hope you'll share photos of your table runners when they're completed. They're so happy, aren't they?

And by the way, I've been having blog problems but I'm so hoping that its all corrected. I almost cried when I thought I had lost all the links to my friends blogs.

Smiles, Lea

Sierra Rose said...

Sweet snow play!!! What a fantastic spot you all have!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Maxmom said...

Hello there Mrs JP
What an absolutely beautiful blog you have! What an invigorating pack of diverse doggies too. It has been a joy for me to come and visit you...thank you!
May I also say "Congratulations on 25 yrs!". My hubby and I had our "27" last Friday. It's so nice to get older together - fewer words are necessary to say the things you want to!
I really enjoyed seeing your pooches on the treadmill! I've never seen that cute and so practical. How many dogs do you have?
Keep warm in your winter wonderland and thanks again for all the well wishes and for visiting us.

Paula said...

Ooooh- BRRRR...
I love the picture of Charlie "high-stepping" it with his stick! That was hilarious!